MFA Boston—Strong Women in Renaissance Italy

Stories Untold

The Strong Women in Renaissance Italy exhibit was curated by MFA Boston to shed light on the impact women had on art in Renaissance Italy.

Never been heard in their own time, Stories Untold brings these strong women back to life using AI and provides them the stage they long for to tell their own stories, allowing the audience to learn their tales from a first-person perspective. 

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  • It's my turn to shine. I've longed for a stage to share my story for hundreds of years. I tried and tried, but it never happened. Thankfully times have shifted; women are now seen, even showcased. Our time has come at last.

  • Lo and behold, I am Cleopatra, depicted in ways you've never witnessed. I’m never just beauty or seduction. I stand as a wise and noble ruler of Egypt. And through the eyes of a woman, my essence is captured.

  • ​​Finally, someone painted my suffering. My name is Mary Magdalene. Not just a saint, I’m human, with struggle and depth few dared to portray. Only a woman could reveal such resilience with her brush.

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